O DECEA recebeu a visita de oficiais de Nações Amigas (ONA), nesta última terça-feira, 30 de maio.
Os oficiais eram representantes de sete países: Estados Unidos, Canadá, Índia, Chile, África do Sul, Argentina e Peru.
A visita teve o objetivo de mostrar as atividades e a respectiva missão das organizações subordinadas ao DECEA.
“Tivemos a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o trabalho da Força Aérea com relação ao controle do espaço aéreo no Brasil”.
Hi fellow travelers!
Here comes my question: Would you be able to host those guests?
*(receive as a business)
Let´s see some useful phrases used for talking about your job:
- What’s your role in the Air Force?
I’m the head of CGNA/SDAD …
I’m a pilot
I’m a Lieutenant
- The department you work in:
I work in the Galeão Tower /Administrative Department
I work in the Airspace Control Department (DECEA).
- What are your Job Responsibilities?
I lead…the Social Communication Department
– I take care of… how information is perceived, transmitted and understood.
I’m responsible for the Technical Department.
– We manage the activities of logistics within the competence of DECEA.
- What’s the best part of your job?
It’s quite overwhelming (overloading) and challenging, but rewarding (it’s worth it) to see people arrive safe at their destination.
- People may be curious about your work times …
I start work at nine.
I finish work at five.
I work day shifts/ afternoon shifts / night shifts.
Thank you for your attention and welcome new fellows!