English TIPS Week 29

Hi Fellow Travelers !

Please watch the whole video and check the right order of the sentences below:

  1. It’s not the first time this has happened. A far less cute coyote alarmed pilots at Boston’s Logan Field two years ago.
  2. Looks like a coyote here dead center on the runway here.
  3. And at JFK last summer, diamondback terrapin turtles en route to the beach to lay their eggs were in no hurry to cross the runway as a JetBlue pilot waited for clearance to take off.
  4. JetBlue 102, we got a couple turtles storming the access road here.
  5. Perhaps that’s why a balloon flying above the runway in Cincinnati airspace was smiling.
  6. Attention all aircraft, an aircraft just landed reported a yellow balloon about 450 feet and it’s reported as a happy face balloon.

Have a good weekend !

Video: 8- runaway puppy stops laguardia


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