English TIPS Week 14

Kia ora,

How are you doing? Here is this week’s material! Feel free to talk to us about it!

Tēnā koe,

Today’s English Tips will discuss “The Dirty Dozen”, which refers to twelve common human error preconditions that can lead to accidents or incidents. Developed by Gordon Dupont in 1993, it has become a cornerstone of Human Factors in Maintenance training courses worldwide.

The Dirty Dozen includes:

  • lack of communication
  • distraction
  • lack of resources
  • stress, complacency
  • lack of teamwork
  • pressure
  • lack of awareness
  • lack of knowledge
  • fatigue
  • lack of assertiveness
  • norms. 

Understanding these elements is crucial to prevent accidents or incidents in various businesses, organizations, and workplaces.

To reduce the possibility of human error causing problems, there are countermeasures designed for each element on the Dirty Dozen list.

It is vital to focus attention and resources on reducing and capturing human error to ensure safety in all areas of the aviation industry, not just aircraft maintenance.


Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Dirty Dozen with us today. We hope you found this brief class informative and useful in understanding how human factors can lead to errors that may cause problems in various industries and workplaces.

Now, we’d like to hear from you! Have you ever heard of the Dirty Dozen before, or have you experienced a situation where one of these factors caused a small problem in your daily work life? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic.

See you next week, keep learning and growing your English skills!

English TIPS – – Every Thursday in your inbox!

Cheers, mate!

This week’s TIPS was made by: 2S BCT MIGNONI

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